Common Name: Mixed Passion Flower, Curuba, Parcha, Taxo, Curubita
Family: Passifloraceae
Origin: South America
Height at maturity: 6 meters
Hardiness: -5°C sheltered from cold winds
Exposure: sunny or partial shade
Plant type: climbing plant
Vegetation: perennial
Foliage: deciduous
Flowering: spring – summer
Flower color: pink or orange-pink
Type of soil: rich in humus and draining
Watering: copiously in summer, once every 10 days in winter
Use: pergola, trellis, porch, indoor, pot
Diseases and pests: aphids
Toxicity: –
Storage of seeds: 1 year in a dry place away from light at 3/4°C (refrigerator)
This passion flower is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful. It develops abundant vegetation and grows rapidly. It offers magnificent flowers in the shape of corollas in colors ranging from deep pink to orange-pink. The flowers are large (7-15 cm long).
Attention, this magnificent plant is deserved. Indeed, the germination of the seeds takes at least 30 days and germinates irregularly. Keep your seedling for a long time and don’t get discouraged.
In order to guarantee correct germination, it is imperative to plant the seeds at a maximum depth of 6 millimeters in a rich substrate containing peat and daily watering with fresh water is required. Before sowing it is advisable to place the seeds for 24 hours in water at 20 – 25 °C.
Although resistant to light frosts, this passion flower can only be grown in pots in regions subject to frosts in order to keep it indoors in winter. Planting in the ground requires a minimum mild climate.