Common name:
Family: Agavaceae
Origin: Mexico
Height at maturity: 80 centimeters
Hardiness: -15°C
Exposure: sunny
Plant type: succulent
Vegetation: perennial
Foliage: evergreen
Flowering: summer
Flower color: white
Type of soil: sandy and draining
Watering: copiously in summer, dry in winter
Use: rock garden, container, pot
Diseases and pests: scale insects
Toxicity: not determined
Storage of seeds: 2 years in a dry place away from light at 3/4°C (refrigerator)
This agave is of variable shape because it is a natural hybridization between Agave parryi neomexicana and agave lechuguilla. It is sometimes one or the other species. This plant supports frosts very well but not excess water in winter, it is imperative to offer a very draining substrate if grown outdoors.