Common name: Agave schidigera
Family: Agavaceae
Origin: Mexico
Height at maturity: 50 centimeters
Hardiness: -12°C
Exposure: sunny
Plant type: succulent
Vegetation: perennial
Foliage: evergreen
Flowering: autumn
Flower color:
Type of soil: sandy and very draining
Watering: Normal
Use: rock garden, pot or container
Diseases and insect pests: scale insects
Toxicity: not determined
Storage of seeds: 2 years in a dry place away from light at 3/4°C (refrigerator)
This agave is small in size, only fifty centimeters high. Its silhouette has a regular shape and presents green leaves bordered with white. It strongly resembles the agave filifera in the appearance of white ”threads” between the leaves.
The lifespan of this agave is 20 years. It flowers only once, in autumn, then dies. It does not require any particular maintenance but requires well-draining soil. It resists severe frosts down to -12°C but it is preferable to protect it over long cold periods. If you choose to plant it in a pot, bring it indoors for the winter.
This plant will find its place in gardens, in pots on a terrace or a balcony.