Common name: Japanese pagoda tree
Family: Fabaceae
Origin: China, Korea
Height at maturity: 25 meters
Hardiness: -20°C
Exposure: sunny
Plant type: tree
Vegetation: perennial
Foliage: deciduous
Flowering: summer
Flower color: cream white
Type of soil: any type but draining
Watering: regular
Use: isolated, massive, in the garden
Diseases and Pests:-
Toxicity: –
Storage of seeds: 2 years in a dry place away from light at 3/4°C (refrigerator)
Majestic tree with surprising characteristics:
– its trunk becomes more and more tortuous with age. The bark seems to take on the appearance of cracks and its root system remains partly visible;
– these leaves are pinnate and are 10 to 25 centimeters long. Dark green above, pubescent below, they take on a golden yellow hue in autumn;
– the Japanese sophora produces in summer fragrant flowers 2 centimeters in diameter, creamy white in the shape of a butterfly. The flowering is nectariferous and irresistibly attracts insects, butterflies and bees among others;
– the fruits are long, fleshy pods that take the shape of the seeds inside them.
A tree with undeniable presence and the most beautiful effect isolated in the garden, it is also very popular with bonsai enthusiasts for its apparent root system which makes it an exceptional subject.