Features: Split-leaf Cyclanthus
Common name: Split-leaf Cyclanthus
Family: Cyclantaceae
Origin: Central and South America
Height at maturity: 1 to 3 meters
Hardiness: -2°C
Exposure: sunny, partial shade
Plant type: ornamental plant
Vegetation: perennial
Foliage: evergreen
Flowering: spring
Flower color: yellow
Soil type: fertile, humus
Watering: normal to copious
Use: in the garden, flower bed, pot
Diseases and Pests:-
Toxicity: –
Storage of seeds: 2 years in a dry place away from light at 3/4°C (refrigerator)
Cyclanthus is a perennial plant forming dense clumps of leaves measuring between 50 centimeters and 1 meter long on large reed-like petioles that are the same length as the leaves. The plant can reach a maximum of 3 meters in height.
Plant for ornamental use by its elegance, it is also appreciated for its yellow flowers scented with the smells of cinnamon and vanilla.