Common name: River Wattle
Family: Mimosaceae
Origin: Australia
Height at maturity: 4 meters
Hardiness: down to -8°C
Exposure: sunny
Plant type: flowering tree
Vegetation: perennial
Foliage: evergreen
Flowering: all year round
Flower color: lemon yellow
Type of soil: fairly poor and very draining, even dry, stony
Watering: slightly dry
Use: in the garden, isolated, container, cut flowers
Diseases and insect pests: scale insects, leafhoppers
Toxicity: –
Storage of seeds: 4 years in a dry place away from light at 3/4°C (refrigerator)
River Wattle is native to southern Australia. It forms a small tree 4 meters high (up to 10 meters in its natural environment) with elongated foliage of a slightly bluish green color.
Acacia retinodes does not bear true leaves, but phyllodes which arise from the flattening of the petioles. These phyllodes allow the tree to better resist drought.
Very decorative shrub by its abundant flowering, this species produces all year round (with two more important peaks: spring and autumn), intermittently, clusters of lemon yellow flowers 5 millimeters in diameter.
Be careful, the roots being shallow, it is necessary to plant it in a place with little wind.