
Buddleia Davidii – 5 seeds – Butterfly Bush


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Common name: Butterfly Bush, Summer Lilac
Family: Buddlejaceae
Origin: Asia
Height at maturity: 3 meters
Hardiness: -15°C
Exposure: sunny
Plant type: summer flowering shrub
Vegetation: perennial
Foliage: deciduous
Flowering: summer
Flower color: white, pink, purple, blue
Type of soil: ordinary, light dry or rocky
Watering: normal, without excess
Use: isolated, container when young, hedge
Diseases and pests: no pests
Toxicity: nothing to report

Storage of seeds: 1 year in a dry place away from light at 3/4°C (refrigerator)


A meliferous plant and star shrub among the summer-flowering shrubs, the buddelia attracts dozens of butterflies with its fragrant flowers (lilac to purple in color). It has 20cm long, pointed, green to grey-green leaves.

Buddleia inflorescences can be cut and put in a vase.

Fast growing, it has leaves 20cm long, pointed, green to gray-green. and it blossoms generously and naturally. It allows you to create hedges quickly. Being imposing, it is recommended to arrange it at the back of flowerbeds and at the bottom of gardens.

It is also important to prune this shrub every year because it becomes thinner at the base as it ages, flowering will only be more regular and imposing.

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