
Aloe Vera – 5 seeds


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Common name: Aloe, Aloe Vera, Barbados Aloe
Family: Aloaceae
Origin: Africa
Height at maturity: 60 to 80 centimeters
Hardiness: 0°C
Exposure: sunny
Plant type: succulent
Vegetation: perennial
Foliage: evergreen
Flower color: yellow or orange
Soil type: draining soil
Watering: Normal
Use: in the garden, rockery, pot, container
Diseases and Pests:-
Toxicity: edible pulp

Storage of seeds: 2 years in a dry place away from light at 3/4°C (refrigerator)


Aloe Vera is a succulent and perennial plant that has thorny lanceolate leaves and a bloom composed of tubular flowers of yellow or orange color.

It is not the largest of the Aloes, it reaches 60 to 80cm in height, it can however spread out in clumps over several tens of meters.

In pots, Aloe Vera appreciates a rich and very draining substrate because it does not support stagnant water. It tolerates occasional drought well.

A very bright exposure is recommended. The plant can be grown outdoors in Mediterranean regions. In cooler climates, although it resists light periods of frost from -3°C to 5°C, the upper parts will die back below 0°C, so pot culture is recommended.

A perennial plant known for more than 5000 years by healers, the pulp contained in the leaves contains more than 75 nutrients and 200 other components, as well as 20 minerals, 18 amino acids and 12 vitamins. Cosmetic companies highlight the possible treatments with this plant: stimulation of collagen production, treatment of burns, healing, contribution to metabolism and the fight against aging. In addition, it is considered a depolluting plant, so it is recommended for indoor cultivation.

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